Byron Lange

Online Counselling
I'm based in the West Midlands and work nationwide via online platform Zoom.
I have specific training in working online and greatly value this way of being able to access people. While there are differences and pros and cons for both online, phone and in-person work, the evidence is very clear - online counselling works.
Like myself, you will need a place that is private and confidential. A place where you feel confident you will not be interrupted and can speak freely.
While many people have become used to using Zoom and other online platforms to communicate, I appreciate this isn't the case for all. In this case I'd advise you take some time to get used to the software before we start, to help ensure you get the most out of the session. It's always good to have a practice with friends/family, or even a support group may provide an opportunity. As is the case with technology, we may have some issues but together we can work it out - and we also have the good old fashioned telephone to fall back on.​

What can counselling help with?
People may be prompted by a specific reason to start looking for a counsellor.
Some of these experiences that I often work with include:
relationship stress
communication difficulties
fear of disapproval
understanding neurodivergence
relationship endings
dealing with illness
feeling ‘imposter syndrome’
low self-esteem
lack of confidence
excessive thinking - rumination
feeling trapped by the past
ongoing sense of shame
problems with assertiveness
LGBTQ+ related experiences
life transitions
higher education stressors and transitions
struggling with meaning in life
identity issues
work-life balance
self-sabotage and repetitive self-destructive behaviour
PTSD symptoms
It can also be the case that matters are not so clear or likely include a combination of factors. Counselling can allow the time and space to work out what is troubling you.
Why consider counselling?
It can be the case that we need to feel understood by another person in order to move forward. While it can feel a like a weighty decision about whether to have counselling and who to choose, finding the right counsellor for you can provide this.
A counsellor is in a good position to focus, to listen, is free and untangled in your life. The right counsellor for you will also be able to help facilitate feedback, insight and appropriate challenge. The process of you storytelling, sharing, explaining and being listened to can create a greater sense of self-understanding, healthy reframing and proportion. Working out and acknowledging your current strengths and personal resources is also very important. While this may be enough, the process will likely also go on to involve working out what changes can be made and what risks can be taken to improve how you feel in yourself and in your relationships.