Byron Lange

About Me

I’m originally from New Zealand. Since coming to the UK in 2000 I have undertaken one to one work with people in several different roles and environments. The variety of my roles has given me experience of working with people in great practical crisis right across to working solely with difficult emotion or finding meaning in life.
These roles and environments have included working in the homelessness field in emergency shelters and also in longer term supported accommodation for rough sleepers in London; and with young homeless people in the West Midlands.
I worked in the drug and alcohol misuse field for six years within Primary Care for both the third sector as a Senior Substance Misuse Practitioner and directly for an NHS Mental Health Trust at Band 6. I have also worked as a group process therapist within privately run addictions residential rehabilitation.
My involvement of working within education started in 2010 at an FE College and has since involved working at three universities. I worked for over 7 years as a Specialist Mental Health Mentor and I continue to offer my services within Higher Education as a Counsellor.
Professional Affiliations
I am a Registered and Fully Accredited Member (081044) of the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) and adhere to their Ethical Framework.

I am a full member of the British Society of Clinical Hypnosis (BSCH) and adhere to their code of conduct.

Qualifications & Training
Obtained Full Accreditation from my Professional Body, the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) (2022)
Certificate in Online and Telephone Counselling (2021)
Barbette Rothschild Somatic Trauma Training – informed and safe working with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) (2017)
BA (hons) in Integrative Counselling (2014)
FD in Integrative Counselling (2013)
NVQ 4 in Health and Social Care for Adults – Senior Substance Misuse Practitioner (2008)
Diploma in Clinical Hypnosis (2007)
Certificate in Clinical Hypnosis (2006)
Drug Misuse Practitioner Training – 6 months full time (2005)
I also continue to regularly undertake numerous shorter courses, too many to list here. Some examples from 2024 include Supporting Clients with Body Dysmorphia; Exploring Neurodivergence Creatively; Embracing Emotions; Autism Masking; Working with Nesting Dolls; Relationality and Dialogue in Gestalt Practice.